Legal advice
Identifying data
NAIVAN owns the domain name and Internet pages accessed via
NAIVAN is inscribed in the Mercantile Registry of Vitoria-Gasteiz.
The head office of NAIVAN is in Fuentecillas, 17-19, Júndiz, Vitoria-Gasteiz (Álava), telephone number +34 945 259 857.
Intellectual property and use of contents
Reproduction of the contents of this website is authorised as long as the source is quoted.
NAIVAN. will, under no circumstances, be held liable for damages of any kind arising from the use of Including, but not limited to: errors or omissions in contents, lack of availability of the portal or transmission of viruses or malicious or harmful programmes through its contents.
NAIVAN will not be held liable for the effects of using any links that appear in this website. The purpose of these links is exclusively to inform the user of the existence of other sources of information on the Internet.
NAIVAN. will cooperate with the authorities in cases of possible illicit or harmful actions made by third parties in bad faith and/or which could damage our website. Additionally, the information contained in may be subject to modification without prior notification. None of the contents of the website should be interpreted as an additional guarantee. NAIVAN will not be held liable for technical or publishing errors or omissions in
Privacy Policy
In compliance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on Protection of personal Data (LOPD), the user is informed that the data submitted to the website will be incorporated into a file, created and maintained under the responsibility of NAIVAN.
NAIVAN will not sell, rent or communicate to third parties any data supplied by users of the portal.
The user will undertake to supply truthful personal data and inform in case of any modification of said data. The user will be exclusively responsible for any damages (either direct or indirect) caused to NAIVAN or any third party as a result of submitting data that is either false, inexact or not updated.
NAIVAN has taken the necessary measures to avoid alteration, loss, processing or unauthorised access of personal data, using the latest technology, nevertheless, the user should bear in mind that security measures on the Internet are not impregnable.
Completing the forms contained in the portal implies the user's express consent to the inclusion of this personal data in the aforementioned computer file owned by NAIVAN.
If the personal data submitted includes data about people apart from the User, these people must also be informed of the contents of this Privacy Policy before including their data.
NAIVAN may store and make use of the IP addresses of website users with the aim of analysing traffic, portal administration and monitoring the use of the Website in general. In addition, the Owner may use web analysis services such as: Google Analytics or similar tools, to help the website to analyse how users use it.
In any case, confidentiality of the User's personal data will be respected and it will only be used to manage the services offered, attend to queries, carry out administrative tasks and send technical, commercial or publicity information via traditional or electronic means.
To exercise your rights to access, oppose, correct or cancel your data, please contact the head office of NAIVAN, Fuentecillas, 17-19, Júndiz, Vitoria-Gasteiz (Álava), writing to or phoning +34 945 259 857.
Legislation and jurisdiction
The relationship between NAIVAN and the user will be governed by Spanish legislation and any dispute will be subject to the law-courts of the city of Vitoria-Gasteiz.